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Circleville Presbyterian Church COVID Guidelines (3/20/2022)

These guidelines will be assessed on a regular basis and are subject to change with increases in COVID case levels and community spread within Pickaway County.

Mask Wearing

Masks are required while in the church facility regardless of vaccination status.


1. We ask all those entering the church facility to sign in.

2. Worship services will be 45 minutes or less.

3. Communion will be offered with the use of pre-packaged elements.

4. Offering will be online, mail in, or via collection plates in the entry area of the sanctuary.

5. We will not use any written paper materials for distribution.


1. Social distancing practiced throughout the church facility.

2. Maximum number of people in the Sanctuary is 75.

3. Maximum number of people in Campbell Hall is 75.

3. Food precautions will be observed with no self-serving of food items.


1. Misting and thorough sanitizing of the facility after use. (Extra sanitizing required following outside group use will require additional fees for custodial services.)

2. Encourage use of hand sanitizer stations and frequent washing of hands.


Community kitchen will be on a take-out basis only at this time.

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