134 E. Mound St.
Circleville, OH 43113
Statement of Welcome:
“We love who Jesus loves…no exceptions. We believe God made us very good, and we trust the Spirit to lead us home. We seek to love and celebrate one another just as we are.
All are welcomed here!”
Congregational Care and Nurture
Congregational Care and Nurture Commission is one of several commissions of The Presbyterian Church of Circleville, Ohio. It is chaired by two currently ruling elders of the church and is commonly composed of twelve or more members who devote time toward serving the physical and spiritual needs of church members and friends. Its purposes are sharing, caring, reaching out and fundraising. Its functions include Coffee Hour (a time of coffee/snack fellowship following traditional worship service), Fellowship Activities such as Adult Hayride, Advent Brunch and Harvest Dinner (held in the fall of each year), Recognition of Special Birthdays and 50+ Year Members and Spotlight Articles on Members and Their Families; Formation of Flocks of Church Families Led by Shepherds, Mailing of Cards to Ill or Shut-Ins, Communion Visits to Nursing Homes and Shut-Ins, Christmas Caroling, Preparation and Delivery of Meals to those recovering from illness or shut in and Distribution of Current Health Information to Church Members; as well as, Delivery of Bread to Church Visitors and Organization of New Member Classes and Gatherings. The commission is often involved in fundraising through church dinners, catered meals for various community organizations and the biannual Trash and Treasure Sale. Proceeds of these events are often given to Mission and the Operating Fund of the Church.
Missions within Congregational Care and Nurture Commission include:
Community Soup Kitchen